Kentucky State Academy Rules
Jodhpurs, vest, tie and long-sleeved shirt, with riding boots and gloves. Hair should be neatly held back so that the back number is visible. Riding suits and hats are prohibited. Protective headgear is required for all riders ages 17 and under.
Snaffle bridles, double or full bridles with running martingales and German martingales are all permissible, along with appropriate saddle for the division being judged. Any type of leverage bit with a curb chain or strap is not allowed with rein through martingale or a draw rein attached to said bit. Draw reins are only permissible with a snaffle bridle when used in conjunction with a straight, top rein; only one of the two reins are allowed to be through a martingale. Any protective equipment (bell boots, shin boots, knee boots, rundowns, saddle pads etc.) will be permitted. Blunt spurs are optional at the discretion of the instructor. No braiding of the horse; hoof blacking is optional. Training devices such as chains, straps, stretchers and blinkers are NOT allowed in the warm up or the show ring.
There should be two main divisions: Diagonals to be judged in both divisions.
- Equitation: To be judged on basic seat, hands and form, along with effective control of the horse.
- Horsemanship: To be judged on showmanship, ring generalship and presentation of the horse to its best ability.
A rider is no longer eligible for the academy division if he/she has shown, dressed in a riding suit in a regular horse show class on any breed/discipline; with the exception of competing in a 4-H Horse Show. This applies to riders that compete in a suit in the walk and trot division- they cannot compete in the walk/trot/canter academy division. Exception to this will be for riders to show in the show rider academy classes. If a show rider is over age 50, has not shown for 10 years or more and has not won a world or national title, he/she is eligible to show in academy classes. A rider who has shown in a driving division only at a regular horse show is eligible to compete in the academy under-saddle division. A rider who has shown in the under-saddle division only at a regular horse show is eligible to complete in the academy driving division.
A horse that is used in an academy competition can be farm or privately owned and must earn its living in a lesson program. It cannot be maintained in training within the current show season.
Academy horses (with different riders) are permitted to cross enter in regular classes of a show as long as they meet the academy criteria.
- Management reserves the right to combine and split classes as necessary.
- It is strongly recommended that class splits be run back-to-back to aid in having less tack and rider changes.
- It is strongly encouraged to not split the show rider classes unless more than 20 entries are present.